Hi, I'm Brian.

Hi, I'm Brian.
I build beauty.
My adventures into the world of creation all started with dipping my toe in the pool by trying to build an Ecommerce site on Shopify to try and make some extra cash. While setting it up, I found myself spending more and more time obsessing about layouts, visuals and graphics, logo, and of course content.
Soon I was teaching myself the in's and out's of programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, practical aspects of crisp logo and branding design, and beginning to dabble into physical mediums like acrylic paints.
Since then, I've taken courses and gotten certifications in graphic and web design, won local art contests with Adobe Illustrations, created (and destroyed) more canvases than I can count. All of this has become passion for visual design and aesthetics that I'd love the chance to share with you.
I'm proficient Adobe Creative Cloud suites, including Photoshop, InDesign, Animate, and my personal favorite and biggest strength, Illustrator, so I'm ready for any type of print or design project you can muster.
Mostly, though, I like to focus on physical mediums these days, enjoying my time making spray paint art with varied technique and stencils. I'm open to commissions, and as the work per canvas varies, I'd love to get in touch with you and work something out together.
So, whenever you're ready, let's get in touch!